the balanced collatz problem [unfinished "blogpost"]

The collatz problem needs no introduction because it is one of the most infamous problems in the history of mathematics. It is so infamous, in fact, that I do not have much serious interest in solving it. However, something I found interesting was the fundamental reason why we would expect every orbit to reach 1. Let $\alpha = 3$ and $\beta = 2$. The collatz map can be written in this form:

$f(r) = \begin{cases} \frac{\alpha r + 1}{\beta} & r \equiv 1 \mod \beta \\ \frac{r}{\beta} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$

The choice to label the independent variable "r" is important because the goal will be to generalize this to specific types of rings, but I should not get ahead of myself. The important thing to note is that we can model the "expected value" in change in valuation by assuming there is a $\frac{1}{2}$ chance that any given "even" number will become "odd" when divided by $\beta$. However, the current form of the collatz map is inconvenient to our purposes. Let's define an auxiliary function "[]" to assist in a new definition:

$[r] = \frac{r}{\beta^n}, n = \sup(\{n: \beta^n \mid r\})$
$f(r) = [\alpha r + 1]$

This is often known as the "Syracuse" function. It is essentially the same as the collatz map but its image is odd numbers only; it skips past all the even iterations. Using the Syracuse form of the collatz map, we can model the expected valuation increase from one application of this map:

$E = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{v(\alpha) - n v(\beta)}{2^n}$

Note that valuation here is assumed to be a function on $a,b \in R^{\neq 0} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ which satisfies $v(ab) = v(a) + v(b)$. I am not sure what the general name of such a valuation is called, but if I must coin a name, it should be called a pseudo-logarithmic valuation. It lets us measure the size of a non-zero element of a ring in a geometric-flavored way, which is precisely what I need. For integers, $v(r) = \log\mid r \mid$ works nicely, but we can extend this to other rings! (Yet again, don't want to get ahead of myself.) Anyway, let's find an explicit formula for E:

$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{v(\alpha) - n v(\beta)}{2^n} = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{v(\alpha)}{2^n} - \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\sum_{k=n}^{\infty}\frac{v(\beta)}{2^k} = v(\alpha) - \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{v(\beta)}{2^{n-1}} = v(\alpha) - 2v(\beta)$

Well, that's a nice formula if I ever saw one! Indeed, $\log\mid\frac{3}{4}\mid < 0$ so we expect the collatz conjecture to be true. And this is where the title of this post comes from! This formula made me wonder: "can we have a balanced collatz problem such that E = 0?" It turns out, we can! But not over $\mathbb{Z}$, because we must have two important requirements for $\alpha$ and $\beta$:

$R/(\beta) \cong Z/2Z$
$\alpha \notin (\beta)$

The first requirement guarantees that $\beta$ splits the ring into "odds" and "evens". The second requirement guarantees that $\beta \mid \alpha r + 1$. However, given these conditions, it is impossible for $\mathbb{Z}$ to have a "balanced" collatz problem because squares of 2 (or -2) must be even. (Note that by the condition on what $v$ should be, given above, $2v(\beta) = v(\beta^2)$.) So we must turn to other rings. (In fact, they must be integral domains, because we want that there be a unique q such that if $r \in (\beta)$ then $r = \beta q$. Otherwise division by $\beta$ is not well-defined. Indeed, assume that there exist $q_1$ and $q_2$ such that the above equation holds. Then $r - r = \beta (q_1 - q_2) = 0$ and R being an integral domain proves that $q_1 = q_2$.)

another two integral domains that fail to be balanced

In general, it is not obvious whether a ring has a principle ideal $(\beta)$ such that $R/(\beta) \cong Z/2Z$. However, two examples of such rings are $Z[x]/(x^2+1)$ and $Z[x]/(x^2-2)$. (Note that both rings are integral domains because they are a quotient by a prime element of Z[x].) For the first ring, let $\beta = x + 1$. This is allowed: in $Z[x]/(x^2+1)/(x+1)$,

$(x - 1)(x + 1) = x^2 - 1 = -2 = 0$

so $x = 1$ follows and it is not hard to see that $Z[x]/(x^2+1)/(x+1) \cong Z/2Z$. Great! Let's define $v(r) = \log\mid r \mid$ again, using the norm of r as the "absolute value". Sadly, it is impossible to balance a collatz problem over this ring too. $2v(\beta) = 2\log(2) = \log(4)$, but there is no $\alpha \notin (\beta)$ such that $\mid \alpha \mid = 4$. What about the second example I gave, $Z[x]/(x^2-2)$? This time, let $\beta = x$. The argument is even easier this time: $x^2 = 2$ and $x^2 = 0$ so $2 = 0$ is implied. Amusingly, "even" numbers are just numbers with an even constant term, regardless of the coefficient next to x. We can define $v(r) = \log\mid r \mid$ yet again, but yet again we fail to make a balanced problem. $2v(\beta) = 2\log(\sqrt{2}) = \log(2)$, but there is no $\alpha \notin (\beta)$ such that $\mid \alpha \mid = 2$. The common thread here is that a number with twice the valuation as $\beta$ will always be divisible by $\beta$. Should we lose all hope in a balanced collatz problem?

the integral domain that can be balanced

I am sure that there is another integral domain out there with the properties I am looking for. I encourage readers to try and find another one than the one I found. The one I found, however, is

$R = Z[x]/(2) = (Z/2Z)[x]$

We can let $\beta = x$ and $v(x) = \deg(x)$. Firstly, it is obvious that $(Z/2Z)[x]/(x) \cong Z/2Z$. Secondly, this v does satisfy $v(ab) = v(a) + v(b)$. Most importantly, we can balance around this particular pseudo-logarithmic valuation. In fact, there are two ways: $\alpha = x^2 + 1$ and $\alpha = x^2 + x + 1$.

$E = v(\alpha) - 2v(\beta) = 2 - 2 * 1 = 0$

Indeed, all we need is that $\deg(\alpha) = 2$. Hm, so which $\alpha$ should we use?

convenient paper from 1987 to the rescue

According to K.R Matthews and G.M Leigh, for $\alpha = x^2 + 1$, there are really boring proveably unbounded sequences. So I will ignore this value of $\alpha$ and focus on the $\alpha = x^2 + x + 1$ case.